Sunday, January 17, 2010

Is there such a thing?

Is there such a thing as a friendly divorce? A few weeks into the process I am being to question. The family has all been told and the friends made aware. Now the fallout truly begins.

When dealing with hurt feelings I suppose it's natural for one to lash out. As the one who began this I suppose that I am due my fair share of barbs. It's very hard though, to deal not only with my own self inflicted guilt but always having it heaped upon me at the dinner table as well.

So how am I coping? Between not sleeping more than a couple hours a night and losing my appetite I am not sure that I am coping at all.

I find myself getting the most profound advice from a little fish named Dory whose mantra, "Just keep moving" I repeat over and over through out the day. It's my hope that if I keep moving I will be able to stay ahead of the crush of emotions that threaten to bury me each day.

My house is clean, there are too many cookies in the cookie jar and I keep finding whatever odds and ends I can to occupy my time. I know that this too shall pass, I just hope that when it is all said and done that all parties involved can recover from the friendly fire.